ISSN 2074-5737
Volume 3 | Número 2 | Outubro de 2012 / October 2012 [published February 2013]

ISSN 2074-5737
Volume 3 | Número 2 | Outubro de 2012 / October 2012 [published February 2013]
Articles | Artigos
57 |
What is known about cookiecutter shark (Isistius spp.) interactions with cetaceans in Cape Verde seas? Frederick W. Wenzel & Pedro López Suárez
67 |
Diet of feral cats Felis catus L., 1758 on Santa Luzia, Cape Verde Islands Félix M. Medina, Paulo Oliveira, Pedro Geraldes, José Melo & Nuno Barros
74 |
From Cape Verde to the Netherlands via Portugal and France: the journey of an early specimen of the giant skink Chioninia coctei (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) Luís M.P. Ceríaco PDF |
Short Notes | Notas breves
82 | Has the magnificent frigatebird Fregata magnificens in the Cape Verde Islands reached the end of the road? Pedro López Suárez, Cornelis J. Hazevoet & Luís Palma PDF |
87 | An aberrantly coloured buzzard Buteo bannermani on Santo Antão, Cape Verde Islands, in November 2012, with notes on the past and present status of the species Magnus Robb & René Pop PDF |